Wednesdays at the Well

Join us on Wednesday nights at 6:00 pm for dinner and worship at 7:00 pm!

If you plan to join us for dinner, it helps us when you sign up in the narthex or download this form and email the office. There will always be enough food and good company! No reservations are needed for worship!

2/5 — World Nutella Day! How many things can we put Nutella on? (Bring soup, salad, bread, or dessert.)

2/12 — POTLUCK!! Make your own chocolate truffle night! Create a Valentine for someone you love!  (Bring an appetizer, main dish, or side.)

2/19 — President’s Day! Try your hand at some Presidential Trivia. (Bring soup, salad, bread, or dessert.)

2/26 — PIZZA NIGHT!  National Pistachio Day! (Bring a side or dessert.)

3/5 — Ash Wednesday- Our Lenten Journey Begins! (Bring soup, salad, bread, or dessert.)

3/12 — POTLUCK NIGHT! We’re filling College Care Packages tonight! (Bring any appetizer, main dish, side, OR dessert. )

3/19 — National Let’s Laugh Day! Bring your best joke! (Bring soup, salad, bread, or dessert.)

3/26 —TACO NIGHT! National Music in Our Schools Month- We’ll collect a special donation for the CW Music Program and listen to some recorded music from the high school!