Service & Outreach

Ways to Help Our Community Right Now

Weekender Bag Program

The Weekender Bag Program provides kid-friendly, nutritious, nonperishable food for Conrad Weiser students and other Berks County schools for the weekends during the school year. There are three dates this school year when Helping Harvest will be unable to provide these bags.

The CW Pantry is servicing 170 students at this time. Trinity is looking for sponsors so these students may receive the weekender bags on the three dates Helping Harvest cannot provide them. The cost to sponsor is $10 per student.

Cash donations may be placed in the offering plate in an envelope marked CW Pantry/Weekender bags.

Checks may be made payable to Trinity Lutheran Church.  Please put “Weekender Bags” in the check memo line.


We are also accepting food donations that may be placed in the grocery cart inside the glass doors at the entranceway.

Cans of chicken noodle soup

Chewy granola bars

Flavored oatmeal packets

7-10 oz bags/boxes of “kid” cereal

Ramen noodles

Mac & cheese microwave cups

Hot chocolate packets

 Cans of fruit/vegetables

Thank you for your generosity and support!

What We Do For Others

Family Support Fund

We created a Family Support Fund as we continue to live into our call to respond to our community’s and world’s needs. We are accepting donations for families facing emergency and/or crises. We are doing this because we know that praying for the health and well-being of one another is deeply important. Still, we also know the realities families face when dealing with rising gas prices, many different caregivers, and working to maintain as much of the status quo for the rest of the family as possible. To give to this fund, checks can be made payable to Trinity with a note on the check or envelope that says “Family Support Fund”. You can also go to our Special Donation page.

Trinity's All Saints Scholarship Fund

Our scholarship Fund was set up to support our Trinity members who graduate from high school and plan to further their education at a college or trade school or enter the workforce. We send monetary gifts to our graduating members each year to help them on the next leg of their journey. To help us sustain this fund, checks can be made payable to Trinity with a note on the check or envelope that says “All Saints Scholarship Fund”. You can also go to our Special Donation page.

Trinity Tailgates

Trinity Tailgates – this program happens before Conrad Weiser’s home football and soccer games.  It provides a safe place for kids to hang out, enjoy free food, great music, and share their school spirit.  We need adult chaperones to help with set up and supervise these events.  In the past, we have had up to 500 youth attend.

Conrad Weiser Food Pantry

Conrad Weiser Food Pantry – Trinity serves as the host site for the Conrad Weiser Food Pantry, which distributes once a month, usually the 4th Thursday of the month.  Presently, the food pantry is serving close to 200 families and individuals.  Our members are asked to contribute to the pantry by placing food in the grocery cart in the lobby.  Numerous members assist with the monthly distribution.  We also financially sponsor Easter baskets, Christmas baskets, and picnic baskets in the summer.

ELCA Relief and Development

Your gifts in support of Lutheran Disaster Response help our church provide immediate relief, such as water, clothing, gift cards, tarps, and other needs. Since many hurricanes also require a long-term response, Lutheran Disaster Response supports the long road to recovery with disaster case management, construction management, unmet needs, and emotional and spiritual care.

ELCA World Hunger is this church’s ministry to end hunger and poverty. Please give now and you can be part of the response as we work creatively and courageously toward a just world where all are fed.

We also serve and provide financial support for these local organizations.

For more information, fill out this form