Youth Ministry

Trinity’s main youth group is for 7th thru 12th graders and has events on Sunday afternoons or evenings. Trinity has youth from many school districts so we have friendships that span across Berks County.

Trinity offers activities, retreats and events that create new friendships, deepen old ones and allow us all to grow together in faith all while having fun.  While school, sports and even jobs can keep you pretty busy, the relationships we develop at church are long lasting and provide support in all areas of your life.

Some typical youth activities include the summer softball games, bike hikes to the Jigger Shop, CROP walk, crazy game nights, movie nights, overnight lock-ins at the church, our annual Christmas party with a very silly gift exchange, Christmas caroling on wagons through town, Flashlight tag/Grog at the church, laser tag, filling boxes for Operation Christmas Child, Super Bowl Party and our annual Egg Hunt that takes us all over Berks County.
