What to Expect

Worship Schedule


Sunday: 8 am—uploaded to Facebook

Sunday: 10:45 am—Children’s Sermon

Wednesday: 7 pm—uploaded to Facebook


Sunday: 8 am—uploaded to Facebook

Sunday: 9:30 am—Children’s Sermon

Wednesday: 7 pm—uploaded to Facebook


All are Welcome!

You will not be asked to stand and introduce yourselves. You can feel free to come to the Holy Communion or just stay sitting in the pew. Greeters will welcome you and help you with anything you need. Feel free to sit wherever you like, fill out the friendship pad and please introduce yourself to people sitting next to you. The bulletin that you receive as you enter the sanctuary will lead you through the worship service.

Please join us for conversation and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday morning between the early and late services. Consistent with our Lutheran tradition, coffee and donuts are available to enhance the conversation and fellowship. (Note: We do not have a coffee hour during the summer worship schedule.)


How should I dress?

All are welcome at Trinity no matter how they are dressed. Typically most people dress casually for all the services.

Which entrance should I use?

The main entrance into the lobby is from the main parking lot. It’s the big double glass door. You can’t miss it. Greeters are on duty just inside the doors into the lobby on Sunday mornings for all services. They will direct you to worship services, the nursery, rest rooms or meeting rooms and can answer a variety of questions that you may have.

Our Worship Services

All of our worship services are liturgical – that is they follow a prescribed form consisting of four sections:

  • The Gathering
  • The Word
  • The Meal (Holy Communion)
  • The Sending

Holy Communion

Holy Communion is celebrated at all worship services. Instructions for Holy Communion are in the bulletin, and our ushers will direct you and answer any questions.

At the Sunday morning worship services, you can come up to the altar rail and kneel. Then you receive a piece of bread, and wine is served in individual cups, Grape juice and gluten-free wafers are also available.

During Wednesday evening worship, you can come up to receive a wafer and wine served in individual cups, then pray at the altar rail or return to your seat.  Grape juice and gluten-free wafers are also available.