Little People’s Nursery School

Located in
Trinity Lutheran Church
108 South Robeson Street
Robesonia, Pennsylvania
(610) 693-5731

The L.P.N.S. Philosophy

The purpose of the Little People’s Nursery School (L.P.N.S.) at Trinity Lutheran church in Robesonia, PA. is to help the child develop individually, socially, intellectually, and spiritually. The school has been established for three, four, and five year olds and is open to all, regardless of religious preference, ethnic group, or race; with the understanding that basic Christian principles will be taught. The primary objective of the program is to teach children to relate to others through group experience. It is our intent to have the child experience some of his most enjoyable moments outside the home in a church setting.



We still have openings for the fall but space is limited.
Reserve a spot for your pre-schooler.

LPNS: where 3 to 5-year-olds are encouraged to be creative and to explore their environment through hands-on experiences.

For more information, call 484-529-2800

A Day at LPNS!

Our school offers many varied activities and interests for the active pre-schooler. Each day the children experience interacting with peers in free playtime. We practice using fine motor skills at craft time, doing finger plays, songs, and various games. The children enjoy large motor activities both in the classroom and at the nearby tot lot. Our circle time enhances the use of good listening skills through the reading of stories and discussions of seasonal topics. Of course, no day would be complete without a snack.

School Hours

The School operates from 9:30 A.M. to 12:00 Noon on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the 3-day program; Tuesday and Thursday for the 2-day program.


Teachers are required to have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education or related field with a minimum of two years experience in early education. Should you have a question, your teacher will be available at the School from 12:00 to 12:30 P.M.

School Committee

The Nursery School is financially independent of the Church. A committee comprised of Church members, parents, faculty members, and interested persons determines all policies and reports to the Church Council.

Enrollment and Registration

Children must be three years old by September 1st. This coincides with Conrad Weiser School System cut-off date. Your child will then be attending Nursery School with some of the same children as those in his kindergarten class. Your child should also be toilet trained by the beginning of the school year.

Pre-registration for any returning children or siblings of presently enrolled children of Trinity Church members will be held in the Spring for the following year. Open registration for the general public will follow around that time. After registration is completed, class rosters will be made up according to the children’s birth dates.

Children can be enrolled or placed on the waiting list at any time during the school term if an opening exists. A non-refundable registration fee of $25.00 is required at the time of enrollment.

Financial Arrangements

A non-refundable registration fee of $25.00 will be collected from each child, regardless of when he/she is enrolled in the school.

Tuition fee of $110 per month for 3-day program (M/W/F), and $85 per month for the 2-day program (T/Th) must be paid in advance. September’s tuition payment must be paid by August 15, 2022. Payment is not to be sent with the child.

Notices will be mailed home when tuition is one month past due. If tuition becomes two months past due and no provisions for payment have been agreed upon, the child will no longer be able to attend L.P.N.S. and will be replaced with a child from the waiting list.

Make check or money payable to:
and send to the treasurer:
Sherry Speicher
201 Hilda Street
Robesonia, PA 19551.

A refund can only be given if a replacement for your child can be obtained. If for some reason a parent decides to withdraw a child form Nursery School, a written letter of intent 2 weeks prior to withdrawal is necessary so that a student from the waiting list can be enrolled as soon as possible.

We recognize that the number of sessions attended by your child will be altered by holiday, sick days, and inclement weather. However, the monthly fee cannot be adjusted for any reason. Economically we have allowed very little margin to cover our fixed monthly expenses, and we must rely upon your prompt payment to meet our obligations.

The First Days

Be prepared for an adjustment period during the first two months. Even though your child may rebel at first, he/she needs TIME. The period will vary, but since the parent and teacher both have the child’s interest in mind, progress will evolve.


1. Assure your child you will return shortly. If your child has never been left at a playmate’s home or a church nursery, try to do this at least once before school opens.

2. Mention what you will do when you leave your child. (They often imagine missing some exciting happenings at home.)

3. Present school as a natural experience which you expect them to enjoy. Sometimes too much preparation reinforces doubts in their minds.


We ask that each child be dressed appropriately for outdoor play, weather permitting. The Staff cannot be responsible for paint on clothing, even though children wear smocks. PLEASE mark all clothing which may be removed. The teacher cannot be responsible for returning unmarked outerwear, sweaters, mittens, etc…

Do not remove clothing nor hang it up for him in the classroom, after a few days your child will develop this independence more rapidly aided by the staff.

On the first day of Nursery School, a complete change of clothes is required for each child to be kept at school.

General Information

Open House- One Sunday in October will be set aside for parents and guests to have an opportunity to visit the Nursery School and meet your child’s teacher. Refreshments will be served.

Observation- You are welcome to come and observe your child’s class anytime after October 13. This will give your child an adjustment period. Please call the teacher for an appointment.

Phone Calls- Only emergency phone calls will be accepted during school hours. Number: 610-693-5731

Inclement Weather- If the Conrad Weiser School District is closed, it is automatically assumed we will be closed. When the Conrad Weiser School District delays the opening of school for one hour, we will also open one hour late (10:30 A.M.). However, in this case, school will end at the same time (Noon). When the Conrad Weiser School District delays the opening of the school day for two hours, Nursery School will not have school that day.

Closing or Delays– Listen for Conrad Weiser closings or delays on the FM radio stations Y-102 or 107.5. You may also call Conrad Weiser’s hotline number: 610-693-8599.

Discipline- Any child experiencing a disciplinary problem that may prove harmful to the other children will be asked to withdraw from school after a reasonable length of time, on the advice of the teacher.